Friday, June 21, 2013

The End is Never the End

Junior is desperately trying to gain the attention of his female teacher who's eyes captivated him from the very first moment that he saw them. He could not help but feel that he had to be a part of her life and she his. He was sitting in class eagerly listening to every single thing that she said and trying to come up with the perfect responses for each question she would pose to the class. As he was sitting there doing this looking like a complete lunatic to the rest of the class he was making quite an impression on his teacher, but as a student and nothing else. He went on and on for a couple of weeks masterfully learning his material and coming in every day and answering all her questions with ease while the rest of the class sat there half asleep or on their cell phone or laptop. No progress seemed to be being made until one fateful Tuesday. His teacher was unloading her things for class when he wallet fell and all of the things in it scattered across the floor. A photographic fluttered ever so slowly toward the ground creeping toward Junior's chair. He picked up the photo and looked at it. It seemed to be a picture of his teacher when she was younger, or could it be her daughter? Ahh Dammit. A picture raises a million questions. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

tonight i FEEL immortal

Junior was FEELing incredibly sick. He was not physically sick although he would have told you he was. He could not help but FEELing sick. He could not stop thinking about how his beautiful curvaceous teacher was the same woman whose eyes he had seen just before he was in a car accident. Junior was FEELing homesick. He knew there was no way that he could possibly get home, because his home was in his professors eyes and there was no way he could possibly achieve getting her to think of him in a romantic way much less think of him in any way at all. She probably did not even remember him, or so he thought. Junior was love and home sick and just sick of it all. UGHHHH! Junior was hold up in his dorm room thinking about how bad his life was. He had not moved for hours. Finally he decided that it was the appropriate time for him to move so he slowly lifted his achey arm up to grab the bag of Doritos conveniently placed a short five inches away from where his hand lay on the bed. He proceeded to move only his fingers a small portion of his arm and and his jaw for the next three hours. Junior was very upset his situation, not because he had some false notion of true love or fairy tales or any of  that nonsense. At least that is what he told himself. He was so mad and he finally figured it out. He was mad because he finally was FEELing. For much of high school and middle school for that matter, he was not depressed or happy or mad or excited. He just was. He had no feelINGS. Junior was upset because the one set of eyes that made him finally FEEL something after so many years of him being in a state of somnambulism were an unattainable goal. He decided he must get her to notice him some how because he felt at minimum he needed to get her in his life outside of school somehow. He would do this by studying and impressing her with his thoughtful and insightful answers. After reading Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" Junior could feel nothing again for it had him questioning every single piece of art he had ever enjoyed and this questioning and curiosity led to frustration which led to his eventual return to being numb. There was only one way that Junior knew how to do this. He sparked up his remedy and took in a few deep breaths, five minutes later he was out the door headed to the bar down the street. Here he would drink away his numbness to find something, what that was he did not know. He drank and drank and drank and drank. Then he drank a little more. He Fell. 

What alcohol makes people do.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Junior found himself in a hospital bed with a pounding headache and a stiff neck. He had been in an accident 4 hours before and was just coming to. All he could think about was those eyes and his desperation to see them again. Those eyes were all he could think about. He was released from the hospital shortly after and took another cab to his dorm. This ride was much less eventful than his first in Seattle. He had a couple of days before classes started and needed to pick up his school books and figure out where all his classes were. All he could think about were those eyes. So of course he in the two days he had before classes started he did neither of those two things. Instead he sat around on his guitar all day and thought about those eyes and how depressed he was that he would never see them again. As he walked unprepared even to his first class he was starting to stop thinking about those eyes. he opened the large wooden door leading to his first class and then he saw them. Those eyes! Surely he was dreaming?! He thought that was the only possibility, for if this was real then those eyes he fell in love with belonged to his first teacher. The 3 seconds after he opened the door, but  before he clumsily fell into seat felt like an eternity. He quickly realized this was no dream when he nailed his funny bone on the side of his desk. These beautiful eyes introduced themselves to the class, but Junior could not hear anything over the beat of his heart. The next thing he knew he was being handed a quiz on the first book the class was supposed to read for the semester, Mumbo Jumbo. UH-OH

Friday, May 31, 2013

Moneybags Jr.
                  Mr. Moneybags was somehow able to find a woman in his dreadful life that thought he was worth bearing a child for. She was dreadfully mistaken about Mr. Moneybags being worth anything but a fat bank account. They did however reproduce and they created a most interesting and puzzling individual. His name was Moneybags Jr. He hated his last name and hated pretty much anything that had to do with his father. You see Junior here resents his father for giving him the world but never spending any time with him as a child. So naturally when the time came for Junior to graduate high school and move to college he chose a destination as far away from his home in Boston as possible. This lead him to the University of Washington in Seattle. It is no coincidence that his destination is also the home of Microsoft, the company in which his dad has lost all faith. This hatred for Microsoft of Moneybags Sr. sparked an interest in the company from Junior. It was the Junior's first day in Seattle. After getting off of his plane alone he flagged down a cab to take him to his dormitory as all first year students are required to live on campus. Junior asked the cab driver to take him through the interesting parts of Seattle's down town seeing as he had never been to the city. They were driving through the fisherman's wharf there was a woman chasing her young child across the street when the cab driver had to slam on his breaks. At this moment, tires screeching to a halt, Junior's head whipped around to the left and just before his eyes closed they met another set of eyes, the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen, and for that one moment, for the first time in his entire life he felt at home.

Puget Sound Seattle, WA

Friday, May 24, 2013


 It was a well lit corner office with a beautiful view of the vast expanse known to people as the Atlantic Ocean. This office was currently occupied by Moneybags. Mr. Moneybags that is. He was a fat man, lazily dressed and his skin, his skin was the most awful white color with strange red splotches. Moneybags was a particularly well off man. Well off meaning rich. Rich meaning he owns lots of things. To say this man was rich in spirit or life or love would be just plain wrong. He was monetarily wealthy and that was all he cared about. It was five o' clock and he was preparing to leave for the day. First he shutdown his iMac, checks his emails, Facebook, and whatever else he was interested in on his iPhone. He then shut off his office light and walked towards the exit. He went to the back up computer to back up all his files for the day. He did so as usual sending off all his data to the iCloud. The last thing he does is check the bank statement at the reception desk computer. This was a normal day for Mr. Moneybags. This day however would be the last normal day for Mr. Moneybags for quite a long time.